HSBSoftware Development (Guangdong) Limited (HSDC)
About Us
HSBC Software Development (Guangdong) Limited (HSDC) in Guangzhou is a provider of information technology solutions and consulting services for the need of HSBC Group. These solutions are supported by a comprehensive pool of proprietary methodologies and processes derived from best practices in the industry.
Being a part of the HSBC Group, HSDC offers job security, a pleasant working environment, and attractive fringe benefits to all graduates who are keen to follow a career at the forefront of information technology in HSDC.
We Invite You to An Exciting Career
If you are going to have a degree in Computer Science, IT engineering or related disciplines in 2011, you are welcome to join us as a Trainee Software Engineer.
How to apply
Ø Prepare your RESUME with basic personal information and related project experiences (if any) in both English and Chinese.
Send the complete RESUME as attachment (in MS Word document) to
< http://campus.51job.com/hsbcsw2011/>
Please remember
Ø To include your email address & contact telephone number.
Ø Not to send duplicate application when you receive an Auto-Reply email.
We look forward to receiving your applications.
For more information, please visit our website: