报告人简介:李若璞博士,Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Resources, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale(美国南伊利诺伊大学地理环境系),主要研究方向为GIS应用、水资源规划与管理、土地利用、地下水模拟等,已在Science of the Total Environment,Journal of Hydrology,美国水资源协会会刊等国际知名刊物发表二十余篇研究论文。目前为美国地理学会、地球物理学会、地下水协会会员, 美国水资源大学联盟(UCOWR)代表,同时是Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment等20多个国际期刊的审稿人。曾主持或参与美国环保局(USEPA)、农业部(USDA)、垦务局(BOR)、内布拉斯加州政府、自然资源保护协会(NRDC)、美国采矿与复垦学会(ASMR)资助项目。
报告题目:Integration of Geospatial Information and Environmental Models for Water Resources and Land Management
Water is the most precious resource to support agriculture, industrial activities and our drinking water needs. A critical challenge for managing these resources is to understand the complex dynamics of water resources and interplay of the water and land use. For example, development of farmland can directly and/or indirectly affect the availability and quality of water resources, and water management activities can conversely affect land use decisions. To address the complexity of related issues, it is essential to integrate the geospatial information and environmental models into the decision making process. This seminar will present case studies that use various types of geographic information and environmental models to support water resources planning and management in intensive agricultural areas of U.S. Midwest. Critical issues related to groundwater depletion analysis, surface water and groundwater interaction, land use classification will be synthesized.